Tuesday, May 29, 2007

You were three today!

Unfortunately I couldn't spend the day with you because I was in Edmonton but it sounds like you had a day with the ladies to make up for it.

Your Mum was there along with Jacqui, Caroyn, Kerry, Lisa, Andrea and Raye.

You really wanted to eat your cake ahead of time and were trying to hurry everyone up so you could blow out the candles. You even wanted to light it again after you'd blown it out before the second line of Happy Birthday was even sung.

After that you didn't actually want to eat any of it.

We got a web cam set up so you could see me and you also got to see Grandma, Nana, Poppy and Aunty Bunty.

You had a good day at Jeanette's house where they threw you a party and you poured bubbles and juice into your hair. Unsurprisingly you needed a bath but weren't in any kind of mood for it.

I really wish I was there for you today. I hope I don't have to miss any of your other special days.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

"Hello Bird"

Today in the back garden just before I flew back to Edmonton there was a bird on the top of the shed roof. It took ages to get you to see it but eventually you did and you said "hello bird". "My name is Noah". "Look at the slide" as you pointed towards you play set.

Friday, May 04, 2007


You're getting a lot more words at the moment but your favourites seem to be "Box" and "Sek" which I'll leave to your imagination what they might be.

It isn't all bad words though. You're a very polite little fellow and have a good handle on "thank you" "please" and "you're welcome".

My favourite though is icecream which you say as "ike-cream".