Wednesday, October 04, 2006

First Girl who is a friend

Today when I picked you up from Jeanettes I met your first girl friend her name is Rhianna. She said that she plays with you all the time and you said a really nice clear "bye" to her when we were leaving. She said that you get on well with the other kids but that they call you "slobber baby" which I'm not surprised about as you do still slobber quite a lot.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Perky the Pukeko

Tonight for the first time you decided to read along with me when I read Perky the Pukeko to you. It is a book given to you by your Granny and Grandpa about an orphaned pukeko.

You say "Perky" when he's in the picture and "broken" when he is starting to come out of the egg and "egg" when you see his egg. When you say the words though they sound like Puuuurkeee, bro-kin and egg-a

Your Mum and I both love reading it to you.