What you've been up to
It's been a while since last I wrote for you. There are lots of photos of what you've been up to though.
You've been developing into a very nice boy. I know this because just today when I dropped you off with you babysitter all the other kids said excitedly when they saw you "It's Noah" and "Noah's here".
I'm not sure exactly how many words you have but it is a lot and you're starting to string some together which is nice.
Sometimes it is only the same word like when you put your hands in front of you and say "Please, please, please" with a cute little smile on your face and hopeful eyebrows.
Your favourite food at the moment is pistachio nuts. You like to peel them yourself but your little fingers aren't quite strong enough so I have to do it for you.
Your Ganny and Grandpa or Pa-pa as you call him are here at the moment and you're having good games with them. You love to bounce chests with your Grandpa and sit and play with your Granny's bookmark shaped like a cat. You even make the cat noise which is very cute.
You've been developing into a very nice boy. I know this because just today when I dropped you off with you babysitter all the other kids said excitedly when they saw you "It's Noah" and "Noah's here".
I'm not sure exactly how many words you have but it is a lot and you're starting to string some together which is nice.
Sometimes it is only the same word like when you put your hands in front of you and say "Please, please, please" with a cute little smile on your face and hopeful eyebrows.
Your favourite food at the moment is pistachio nuts. You like to peel them yourself but your little fingers aren't quite strong enough so I have to do it for you.
Your Ganny and Grandpa or Pa-pa as you call him are here at the moment and you're having good games with them. You love to bounce chests with your Grandpa and sit and play with your Granny's bookmark shaped like a cat. You even make the cat noise which is very cute.