Monday, January 03, 2005

The Big Feeze

Well my friend you were spared the worst of the business but when we got back from our Christmas holiday in Edmonton all of our house had frozen. The pipes were all frozen and the toilets and everything. You and your Mum had to go up to Your Grandma and Grandpa Hall's house to wait until there was any heat in the house. Unfortunately you didin't have a bed there or anything so by the end of the day you were very very tired. You came back to the house again after there was a bit of heat there and went straight to bed.

Today I didn't get to spend much time with you in the morning but in the afternoon you were a very helpful little plumber for me. You were into all the tools and stood on the toliet with me and looked in while I fixed it. You made the jobs take longer but they were much more enjoyable because you were there.

It was our first father/son repair job and I loved every second of it. Thank you for spending that time with me. I love you.


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