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Well my funny little friend, although I suspect you are somewhat bigger as you read this, here's the first post in your very own blog. Maybe one day you'll type in here yourself but for now let your Dad do it for you. It would be my honour.
I've collected up a few snippets here and there for you so I'll have to retroactively post them but this is really the first one.
Today was quite a day, after spending almost your entire life rolling and wriggling around, today was the first day when you strung together a real crawl. It was quite a good crawl too, very purposeful. We'll have to get a gate on the stairs soon and make sure there aren't small objects around for you to swallow.
What other things are going on in your life right now? Well, your favourite things seem to be a colourful set of plastic rings and a small rubber cube but the thing that gets you really interested are cold cans of diet coke. Not so much for the drinking more for the coldness and the smoothness.
You still seem to have trouble keeping your food down which is just milk at the moment. We will start you on solids soon so maybe that will help.
My favourite thing about you is your smile. When I see you after work or when you wake up the way you face lights up is priceless. I hope that I will always make you that happy.
I've collected up a few snippets here and there for you so I'll have to retroactively post them but this is really the first one.
Today was quite a day, after spending almost your entire life rolling and wriggling around, today was the first day when you strung together a real crawl. It was quite a good crawl too, very purposeful. We'll have to get a gate on the stairs soon and make sure there aren't small objects around for you to swallow.
What other things are going on in your life right now? Well, your favourite things seem to be a colourful set of plastic rings and a small rubber cube but the thing that gets you really interested are cold cans of diet coke. Not so much for the drinking more for the coldness and the smoothness.
You still seem to have trouble keeping your food down which is just milk at the moment. We will start you on solids soon so maybe that will help.
My favourite thing about you is your smile. When I see you after work or when you wake up the way you face lights up is priceless. I hope that I will always make you that happy.
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